Limited Death Income

What Is It?

The benefit pays a monthly income in the event of the death of the life insured, for 24 months from the date of death.

Cover Amount

The pay-out is a minimum of R5 000 with no limit on the maximum benefit amount but subject to financial justification and the availability of reinsurance.

Who Can Apply?

Ages 19 to 65 at next birthday Individuals or multiple people on one policy

When Can You Claim?
  • Once the claim is validated, the income benefit will be paid on a monthly basis.

Important Points
  • The premium is guaranteed  for 10 years.
  • The claim amount will increase by the lower of CPI for the year and 10% on the anniversary from the month of death.
  • If death was a result of suicide or assisted suicide.
When does the benefit end?
  • When the benefit cover term expires
  • If the benefit is cancelled by the policyholder.
  • If the policy lapses.